Injuries To Children

Child Injury Attorneys In New Jersey

Children depend on adults to provide a safe and nurturing environment. A lack of supervision or safety requirements on playgrounds, in schools or around swimming pools can put children at great risk of serious and even life-threatening injuries.At the law firm of Krivitzky, Springer & Feldman, we provide a strong voice for children and their families throughout New Jersey. We understand that injuries can have lasting physical and emotional ramifications. Our law firm is committed to holding accountable any person, business, or school which has allowed a child to be injured.

Types of Claims for Injuries to Children

Children can be injured in many ways. Some injuries are just part of childhood – knee scrapes, falling off a bicycle, running into the wall, etc. But sometimes children are injured because someone was negligent or reckless. In addition to the usual personal injury claims such as car accidents, children hit by cars, or children hurt on broken sidewalks or dangerous playground equipment, there are many times where the injury results from a lack of proper supervision.

Schools, camps, theme parks, children’s activity centers and other facilities have a duty to supervise children and prevent them from injuring one another or engaging in dangerous activities. When these places fail to properly supervise children, they can be held responsible for the injuries and damages that result.

Injured Boy - Jersey City, NJ - Krivitzky, Springer & Feldman

Schedule A Free Consultation


For more than 40 years, we have represented injured children throughout New Jersey in many kinds of claims, including:

  • Daycare accidents
  • Injuries stemming from bullying
  • Accidents involving defective toys or playground equipment
  • Wrongful death of children

Because every injury claim involving children is unique, the best advice can be provided if you call 201-798-2711201-798-2711 to speak with a skilled New Jersey personal injury lawyer. You will work directly with an experienced attorney at no cost and no obligation to you. We can answer many questions right on the phone and, if you like, schedule a free in-person consultation at our Jersey City law firm or newfoundland law office.

Difficulties in Cases Involving Injury to Children

Proving fault in personal injury accidents involving children can be especially complicated. In some circumstances, children are unable to remember or explain how an accident occurred. In other situations, the witnesses may also be minors, possibly in fear of telling the truth.

Our law firm’s New Jersey personal injury lawyers draw on over 95 years of combined experience to prove each case. Our investigation may include: obtaining records such as repair records for playground equipment, employee logs for schools or daycare centers, statements from any witnesses; identifying any possible video surveillance footage, and retaining safety or engineering experts to review the accident scene and factual history.

We will aggressively pursue premises liability claims against property owners for failing to maintain safe premises. We will make every effort to hold schools, daycare centers, party stores, or negligent vehicle operators responsible for injuries to New Jersey children.

Children Injured by Dangerous Products

Our law firm also has an extensive background handling product liability claims against manufacturers who overlooked safety requirements and put children at great risk. We will identify any available insurance for medical bills or liability coverage and pursue all possible claims.

Don’t Delay – There May be Deadlines

For claims against most schools, parks, cities, towns, and other public entities, a specific Notice of Claim must be filed within 90 days. Contact our Jersey City lawyers immediately to protect your child’s rights.

Get Help for Your Child’s Injury

At Krivitzky, Springer & Feldman, our personal injury attorneys offer experienced and compassionate legal counsel to help guide you through this difficult time in your life. Contact our law firm online or call our Jersey City accident lawyers at 201-798-2711 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Free Consultation. No Fee If No Recovery.

Evening or weekend appointments and home or hospital visits can be arranged throughout Northern New Jersey.

Give us a call; we’re here for you.

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